@Rob-Wilkie After a lot of work, I gave up on Basecamp and purchased a lifetime Gold MRA membership. I have the Garmin Drive app on my Android phone already, and it has been linked to my Zumo GPS.
My workflow to load a route into the Garmin Zumo XT is like this:
- Build the route using MRA, usually from my desktop.
- Open the route on my Android phone using the MRA mobile app.
- Select the Download button from the MRA app on the phone, I have been using .gpx 1.1 format.
- A pop up announces 'File has been saved!' and shows a link for 'Export'.
- Touching 'Export' automatically opens the Garmin Drive app, and asks 'Would you like to send it to your Garmin device?'
- The route then downloads to the Zumo XT. On the Zumo, choose 'Apps', then 'Trip Planner.' Your new route will be visible there.
It sounds more complicated than it is, and requires no cable connection.
With the exception of a flawed release of the Drive app last year, this process has been very reliable and dependable.