Importazione Zumo xt2
quando creo un itinerario e poi lo importo sul mio navigatore Garmin Zumo xt2, ho due problemi.
Il primo è che se apro il File Gpx Traccia, ho solo la traccia senza i Waypoint.
Il secondo è che se apro il file Gpx Rotta ho anche i Waypoint , ma garmin mi calcola il tragitto più veloce ( modificando la traccia) per raggiungere i vari Waypoint.Come devo salvare il File gpx per avere la traccia completa di Waypoint ,senza variazione di strada?
Grazie -
Hello there,
I have found the way to export a route to the XT2 is to use the gpx 1.1 format - not the newer 1.2
1.1 exports the track, the route, the Via and Shaping points and the route should be same as the track if you use plenty of shaping points.
The 1.2 format does not export the shaping points, so the XT2 just creates routes that are the shortest distance / quickest time between the Via points.
@Alasdair-Denton-Miller thats not completely correct. The 1.2 export sends the viapoints plus the original track. Thereby forcing the XT2 to go via the original track.
Make sure that you don't have any restrictions active on the XT2.
The biggest problem is the tread app that doesn't do what it's supposed to do. And therefore a lot of people use the wired export.
I know thats not ideal