Jumping from Waypoint to waypoint via Streetview
I would like to ask if it is possible or may be already planned to check a planned route using Google Street View. This means to jump through the different planned waypoints (from start to end)and showing directly the photos from Google Street View (if there are any)?
@silberfuchs67 Fun suggestion!
It was not meant as fun ….
sometimes it makes sense to check the planned streets and it makes it easier to have a closer look via Google Street View. I like this kind of checking my work …
@silberfuchs67 You are aware the web planner has Street View built-in, right? Click the "person" icon on the left of the map view to activate it.
@Herko-ter-Horst Yes, I am aware about this function and I am using it very frequently. The advantage for me would be to have a possibility to jump directly from waypoint to waypoint.
Only as an idea … may be all other users don‘t like the idea.
@silberfuchs67 You can always click on the waypoint list on the left. Yes, it does not update the Streetview image, but that is just one additional click away if available.
I understand your request, but how would the Streetview API know what to update? The Google maps overlay is just that: an overlay and not initial part of the planner.
@Erdna Of course I am not able to answer this technician question but it seems to work. I know this from another navigation product. Currently I am new in using MRA and I thought it would be a nice feature - of course not a must have.
I am getting more and more a fan of this software, the more I am working with it….
MRA Team - please delete any post of this topic / discussion if you don‘t like it. It was not my intention that it might go in the wrong direction.
@silberfuchs67 No, don´t be offended. That is a good input from you. Please feel free to share the other software that does it better. I guess the Devs will be interested and if this can be done on THIS platform, they might consider implementing it some time later.
It´s just that "the other navigation product" may be based on a totally different approach, to allow to do this.
@Erdna No problem at all - I do not feel offended. I only want to be fair and showing respect for any kind of rules etc. MRA team can of course get in contact with me, if they are interested in some more details.
For me it also not important if others are able to do so - I think the programmers will decide if they are interested and if it‘s possible. -
@Erdna you're right it's not a huge effort to do, but now that I understand the question, I can see a bit of value in the requested functionality.
2 things w.r.t. your response:
- StreetView has nothing to do with the Google Maps overlay, it's independent of maps and overlays (and works on all of them), although it does of course use data from Google
- it doesn't sound too difficult to me to send the location of the waypoint to StreetView, instead of the location of a mouse click from the user
However, I suspect automating the use of StreetView this way may be against Google's terms of service/license, so I don't think it will happen.
@Herko-ter-Horst I use Streetview very often when route planning. The small overlay map visible when Streetview is open can be helpful to navigate a route and see Streetview snapshots.
So I can see the value in the suggestion as a route preview feature. I'm often looking at road type (unpaved) and condition.
Not quite the same, but this tip may still be useful: you can export your route as a .kml file. Then import the kml file in google earth and create a fly-over to visualize the route.
@Davy-Vanherbergen Tanks for this tipp - I will give it a try