Open street map navigation?
Hi, I’m planning a long road trip using MRA in CarPlay. I want to use the segments option, that only comes within open street map. I was wondering what would be the negatives if I created all my routes with OSM and used them during navigation in CarPlay, with segments of course. I come from the motorcycle community where I only used Garmin Here maps, so I was wondering. I think I did notice one draw back….it’s a lot slower opening a route with the OSM…
@Kenneth-de-Miranda that won’t work unfortunately! HERE won’t understand the segments. If you create a route using segments in the routeplanner and then switch the map type to HERE it will suggest what to do next and even automate this for you
Go check it out! -
@Corjan-Meijerinkyes I will heck it out. Thanks
Hier vind je een mooi YouTube filmpje gemaakt door Corjan: Segmenten! Uitleg video -
@Dikke-Wim Merci!