Unexpected detour when route is started
Created a route with the Here map on the PC and made sure that the route was the same on the TomTom and OpenStreetMap.
When I open the route in MyRoute-app Mobile is shows exactly the same information (picture 1. Overview...).
When open the route it still looks good (picture 2. Route opened not started).
When I start the route the route is no longer the same. It doesn't matter wich map layer I choose, but it take an unexpected detour at point 11
Link to the route
https://www.myrouteapp.com/nl/social/route/6959321?mode=share -
@Jaap-van-Maanen I think the app doesn’t like ferries that much yet We will implement the avoid options in the app at a later stage and ensure that the web and app route calculations match!
@Corjan-Meijerink : Danke das hilft allen hier
@Jaap-van-Maanen, The first picture most likely does not show a calculated route, but the embedded route-track. In your last picture I think that this:
is an indication of traffic jams on your route? Perhaps another route is calculated because of that (or has that not been implemented yet? Not sure...). -
@Con-Hennekens We indeed already show the delay caused by traffic but won't calculate a different route because of that. This is something we still need to make That is why the traffic preference switch in your Navigation settings is currently disabled.
@Con-Hennekens When I check now it says +0u 26m. So probably, because of traffic. The calculated time is much shorter than the calculated time that MRA-web or or the opened route on MRA mobile shows. Maybe the breaks in the route are not calculated when when you start the route. Can you confirm that @Corjan-Meijerink
@Jaap-van-Maanen Breaks are not (yet) included in the app
@Corjan-Meijerink I would expect that it makes use of the avoidances from the original route. In the original route only Highways are excluded in the Here map settings, it now takes the highway and avoids the ferry. If there would be separate setting in the app to avoid or include ferries than users with the same route but setting would have a different route. That's the reason for using tracks on a Garmin device (or TomTom).
@Jaap-van-Maanen This will indeed be aligned in a future update (and definitely before the release)