@Jan-50 bij mij is het ondertussen echt stabiel
Is MRA Next & CarPlay working like it should now?
A while back, like maybe 6 months ago, MRA CarPlay had deviated from the route I created in MRA with HERE maps. Also I was in online mode and lost cell reception and MRA CarPlay was doing some weird things. Doesn’t MRA Next automatically switch to offline mode if you have the maps downloaded?
Since then I stopped using MRA CarPlay and started using inRoute with routes created in MRA with TomTom maps, and haven’t had any issues.
I remember reading that MRA CarPlay was in beta at the time. I’d like to come back to MRA CarPlay, but not sure if it’s ready yet?
@Ron-Z MRA is working for as it should in my Car with CarPlay (supported from my iPhone) and on my bike with an Android phone). And much better the 6 month ago.
@Ron-Z It's ready
@Ron-Z Funny you mention this. Yesterday i had a whole lot of problems because of loss of mobile phone coverage. Specifically when coverage came back. The navigtion was off, Next Instruction was stuck at where i lost coverage, map was updating, but somewhere lost track. Funny things.
Needed to stop and restart the app to get back on track at which point the App was thinking that i wanted to do the whole route again. I just wanted to go home so i switched to Google Maps. -
@Ton-Machielsen You have the option to navigate offline, and also the option to re-start from any position. Long press on any waypoint will automatically skip all previous waypoints meaning you do not have to start from the beginning again.
@Ron-Z in my experience, MRA Next is working fine, but, MRA on Carplay with android is very unstable even with the latest public version.
I got error messages, hanging screens, etc.I have read about an update which should finally bring stability but it's not available yet.
@Jan-50 Smart arse on: Sorry, CarPlay is for iPhones and iOS. For Android, it is called Android Auto. Smart arse off.
@Jan-50 bij mij is het ondertussen echt stabiel
@Nick-Carthew said in Is MRA Next & CarPlay working like it should now?:
@Ton-Machielsen You have the option to navigate offline, and also the option to re-start from any position. Long press on any waypoint will automatically skip all previous waypoints meaning you do not have to start from the beginning again.
Just curious... Will MRA Next automatically go into offline mode if online is not available?
@Ron-Z Yes if you have the offline maps and you have synced the route.
@Nick-Carthew said in Is MRA Next & CarPlay working like it should now?:
@Ron-Z Yes if you have the offline maps and you have synced the route.
Isn't route syncing automatic now?
@Ron-Z If you have selected Sync all my routes then yes.
@Nick-Carthew said in Is MRA Next & CarPlay working like it should now?:
@Ron-Z If you have selected Sync all my routes then yes.
I noticed my routes have been syncing, but where is this setting so I can confirm?
@Ron-Z Open the app menu and then tap Routes and Tracklogs. Now tap the 3 dots in the top right of your screen and select Sync all my routes.
It may take a minute or two to synchronise but this is a one off operation and all new routes will sync automatically. -
@Marinus-van-Deudekom na de laastst update al < 5 minuten liep het scherm alweer vast in een nieuwe auto met Android Auto. 1 dag daarna bij mijn vrouw in de auto obv een pioneer systeem met AA ging het ook mis. Scherm bleef weer hangen. Dat is een android 12 versie. En met 2 verschillende telefoons dus daar kan het ook niet aan liggen. En beide heb ik de app niet geupdate, maar, geheel opnieuw geïnstalleerd.
vorige week met mijn motor nog een blokje wezen rijden. Het gaat dan op een kort stukje zo vaak mis, hangend scherm, foutmelding "wachten op".... etc. Dat zijn dus 3 systemen, 3 x niet stabiel. En zo jammer dat ik met Tom Tom, wat ik niet echt een fijne app vindt, wel gewoon kan rijden zonder problemen...
@Jan-50 hoi Jan
Dan moet er wat anders aan de hand zijn dus ik zou zeggen maak een service ticket aan zodat onze techneuten er een blik op kunnen werpen. Heel vervelend voor je, vooral omdat het bij anderen zonder enig probleem gaat