Android Auto best practice/checklist and where to find AA development plan
Is there an up to date best practise for app settings when using Android Auto? I've spent a couple of hours on the forum looking for this without luck and there are no recent videos as far as I can tell.
Is there a development plan I could look at? Specifically at this early stage the ability to use the AA screen to to zoom the map and move it around?
My facts in hope of saving us all time
- MyRoute-app has been and continues to be excellent for me
- I currently use a BMW Nav VI as my primary device with the BMW connected app, MyRoute-app (android) and good old google maps as backup
- I want to end up using MyRoute-app with AA as my primary navigation solution
- No I don't want to buy any sort of tablet or other dedicated device, I want to utilise the computing power of my smart phone with a relatively cheap AA device (Carpuride w702b specifically)
- No I'm not going to strap my phone to my motorbike for any reason other than an emergency
Thanks in advance for your help